
“To Know Christ and to Make Him Known

Nurturing Faith

To fulfill our mission statement, “To Know Christ and To Make Him Known,” we endeavour to nurture the faith of all age groups through Biblical teaching, prayer groups, and Bible study. For those new to the Christian faith, we introduce them to Jesus Christ, our Redeemer from sin, and mediator through whom we commune with God the Father and the Holy Spirit and encourage a personal commitment to Him. For Our statement of faith, Click Here

Community Formation

Through times of fellowship, mutual support and friendship, we endeavour to create a family where everyone is welcomed, respected cared for and celebrated in good times and bad.

“To Make Him Known“

As followers of Jesus, we respond by service to others, inside and outside the church, at home and abroad. We reach out to the sick, the hungry, the improvished with all manner of needs, and share the resources we have been blessed with.